<a rel="nofollow" title="Link: null">CaBa</a> schrieb:
# Also her mit euren bescheuertsten ideen, lasst uns überlegen, wie wir gemeinsam, einsam spaß haben können!!! :hurra: :lol:
Ich hab letztes Jahr ja mal vom Ultra Backyard erzählt, ihr wisst schon, 6,7km jede Stunde, bis nur noch einer übrig ist...
Aktuell wird HIER der erste Quarantine Backyard Ultra geplant! Und da wir nicht wissen wie lang der Virus sich noch hält, und damit keiner Zeit hat heimlich zu trainieren, gehts nächste Woche schon los. Aktuell stehen 450+ Läufer auf der Startliste!
Die erste Glocke zum Start ertönt am Samstag, 04.04.2020 14:00
Warum müssen wir mitmachen?
- Egal ob draußen, Balkon oder Laufband
- Man sitzt weniger zu Hause, für gepflegten Sport darf man raus. Und wenns nur für 1, 2 Runden ist!
- It´s for free!!
- Es ist total bescheuert!! Ein muss für alle Cabanauten
- Es gibt die goldene Klopapierrolle zu gewinnen! Holen wir sie uns
This event is a Free Backyard Ultra, completed in self-isolation or quarantine, streamed live on Youtube, with the largest, most competitive field ever assembled! You will be competing for the soon to be World’s most coveted prize: The Golden Toilet Paper Roll! Plus… Did we mention it’s FREE?!?
Almost every runner out there has had races that were canceled and have been left without goal races in the near future. We do not know when this situation is going to end, and this is a fun way to bring a whole bunch of people together to be able to test their fitness, join a community, and do something together when many people cannot leave their homes.
Whether you plan to do one lap, 50 laps, or more, come in and join the fun!
The first bell will ring at 7:00am Mountain Daylight Time (GMT-6) on Saturday April 4th, and the race will finish when there is only one runner left on the livestream. Everyone has just enough time for a taper. No training, no race prep. Let’s see who goes the distance.
There are 2 different ways to participate in the event. Obviously everyone will have different limitations as to what they have access to, regional restrictions, and personal comfort levels. You can participate in any way you are able, but do your best to stay as close as possible to the gold standards outlined below. The onus is on you to track and document your progress to the best of your ability. Please make sure to follow the current regulations and laws in your region.
- At home on your treadmill (or in your hallway if need be),
- Connect in to Zoom call using a computer webcam, or smartphone with the Zoom app – this will allow you to interact with other racers and the live feed while running
- At the bell you will start your treadmill and run 6.706km/4.167miles
- When you finish the distance, point your camera at your treadmill to prove you completed the distance, and then you are free to relax, eat or do any other things you need to prepare for the next lap
- You must be back on your treadmill when the bell rings to start the next loop
- Running a loop or out and back course based at home,
- Connect in to Zoom call using a computer webcam, or smartphone with the Zoom app. Set this up in the entryway of your home which is now your starting corral. You will also be able to interact with other runners and the live feed during your rest breaks each lap
- Use a GPS Watch or smartphone to record your data and upload to Strava
- At the bell you will head outside and run 6.706km/4.167miles
- When you finish the distance, hold your watch in front of your camera to prove you completed the distance, and then you are free to relax, eat or do any other things you need to prepare for the next lap
- You must be back in your entryway when the bell rings to start the next loop
– Limiting the number of people around you. Do not invite people to help crew or to come by and spectate unless they are already living with you. Remain as isolated as possible.
– Ensure you have enough food and supplies for the run and also for the recovery period following, so you do not have to expose yourself to pathogens when you are recovering.
– Treat the next two weeks prior to race start as a strict quarantine period to ensure you are not already infected prior to participation.